A Cherry Orchard in Maine...

by MK Wolfe
from the Ronald Meyer translation
of Chekhov's The Cherry Orchard
directed by Al D'Andrea
April 2018
A world premiere production
An ancestral farm with a unique cherry orchard in mid-coast Maine is about to be auctioned off for tax debt, and the soon-to-be-displaced family and their friends are at loggerheads as to what to do – develop the land? Abandon the property? Throw a party and forget about it? Twelve unforgettable characters come together to determine the fate of the cherry orchard, and in the process, find out where they fit – or don’t fit – in the changing face of Maine

David Arthur Bachrach

Holly Brown

André T. Demers

Kim Gordon

Tom Handel

Christopher Horton

Laura Houck

Meredythe Dehne Lindsey

Jonathon D. Raines

Mary Randall

Casey Turner

David Lee Vincent

Dee the Dog
Stories and Reviews

A Chekhov play, adapted for Maine | 207 News Magazine WCSH Channel 6
Snowlion Moves Chekhov's A Cherry Orchard to Knox County | Maine Today Magazine
Knox County Setting Suits Chekhov's Cherry Orchard | Portland Press Herald Review
Getting Here from There: MK Wolfe adapts Chekhov's The Cherry Orchard into a Maine play at Snowlion | Portland Phoenix Review