Snowlion Rep is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable organization
Your donations are fully tax-deductible

Ways to Donate
Via check by sending to:
Snowlion Repertory Company
PO Box 727
Boothbay Harbor, ME 04538
Via credit card with PayPal:
Great Thanks to Our Donors
The Maine Arts Commission
The Maine Humanities Council
The Maine Veterans Art Project
Central Maine Power
IBM Corporation
Time Warner Corporation
Turner Broadcasting System
Bernstein Shur
Maine Home Connection
Jacobs Chiropractic Acupuncture
Noyes, Hall & Allen
The Maine Community Foundation
The Cricket Foundation
The Margaret Nomentana Foundation
The Davis Family Foundation
Simmons Foundation
Windover Foundation
Margaret E. Burnham Charitable Trust
The Anna Sosenko Trust
Bangor Savings Bank
Kennebec Savings Bank
First National Bank
First Federal Savings
and hundreds of individuals just like you
Theater Feeds the Soul
THANK YOU for supporting your local theater company!