Upcoming PlayLab

PlayLab is free and open to the public!
Current Season
Future PlayLabs:
New plays by Maine playwrights TBA
What is PlayLab?
PlayLab meets several times a year to hear the work of Maine playwrights read by rehearsed actors led by professional directors. Playwrights may solicit feedback from the audience via talkback, online survey, or mail-in questionnaire.

Playwrights Speak Up About PlayLab!
"I wanted to take a moment and thank you again for an amazing evening at PlayLab. I so appreciate the fostering of new work that you provide with PlayLab. It truly is an amazing group!"
"Woke up this morning feeling so grateful for the reading. It was just incredibly well-directed and well-produced...Your PlayLab is so generous...It's wonderful to have this in Portland."
"Snowlion Rep fulfills its promises admirably."
Calling all Maine playwrights!
Are you a Maine playwright with a full-length play that would benefit from PlayLab's development paradigm? Click here to learn how to submit your play, and what to expect if you are chosen for PlayLab!